Super-Fast Southern Sweet Tea

Sweet TeaHey, all y’all! (That’s Southern for “all yooz guyz.”) This past week I taped some new cooking videos. While taping (and preparing my dinner!) I realized I was low on sweet tea. And since I have a really fast way of making tea, I thought I’d share it with you.

OK, sure. You know how to make sun tea. And you know how to boil tea bags and all that. But do you know how to make tea in less than two minutes?

Hah! I thought not. Let me show you how…

Check out the video, then read the simple instructions below.

You will need:

One 1-gallon jug
Hot tap water
1-1/2 to 2 cups sugar
Eight tea bags
Large spoon


Pre-heat water by running until as hot as it will get.

Remove paper wrapping from tea bags. Holding the paper tags in one hand, spin the bags around to wrap the strings together.

Measure your sugar. Pour into jug. Authentic Southern Sweet Tea uses 2 cups sugar per gallon. As I’m interested in cutting back on my sugar intake, I’m down to a cup and a half. Use more or less to taste.

Run hot water full blast into jug. Stir vigorously to dissolve sugar.

Add tea bags, pushing them under the water to wet thoroughly.

Put the top on your jug, and you’re done!

Give it about ten minute,s and you can serve over ice. Place jug in fridge to cool it down.

I normally make a jug at night, and by morning I can remove the tea bags and I’m set for the day. However, in a pinch, you can serve almost immediately over ice, as I did the day I made this batch.

So… this may well be the world’s fastest way to make sweet tea.

Enjoy, and… Until next time… play with your food!


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About Lane

Lane Baldwin is a an internationally-acclaimed singer, songwriter, author and food lover. He wasn't trained in France, and he doesn't have his own TV show. He just loves to cook, and loves sharing what he's learned over the years. In his "real life," Lane has toured the world, bringing his special brand of Blues-infused Americana to millions of fans. At home he leads a quiet life filled with good books, good food and good friends.